Compressed Air Filter Selection for Food Plants

Although many food companies are using compressed air, most companies do not know what harm the quality of compressed air will bring to food safety and quality. Many companies do not include compressed air systems in their HACCP plans, so they do not analyze the hazards of compressed air, and do not establish corresponding control measures. So what is the danger of compressed air? Let's look at the impurities contained in the compressed air.

Compressed air precision filter is a device that uses physical barrier technology to separate other components in the medium. The compressed air filter is the main equipment used to filter solid particles, water droplets, oil mist and other aerosol impurities and possible microorganisms in the air to make the air clean.

Compressed air delivery pipelines and accessories will pollute the air that has been filtered by high-precision air filters. According to measurements, when a stainless steel valve is opened and closed, several, dozens, or even More. Therefore, in order to avoid the impact of the compressed air pipeline, in addition to paying attention to the material and maintenance of the pipeline, the filter with the corresponding precision should be selected according to the length of the pipeline and the pollution situation, and finally according to the quality requirements of the gas point to ensure temperament.

For direct contact with dry food (such as grain, milk powder), it is recommended to install a precision filter to ensure the control of particulate matter, water droplets, oil mist and microorganisms. For deodorization requirements, it is recommended to add an activated carbon filter. Others can install the main filter. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the pressure regulator to adjust the required air pressure to ensure demand and safety. For gas terminals such as cylinders and solenoid valves, it is necessary to add a lubricator to ensure the lubrication of gas components.

For non-condensed water, that is, the dew point standard is met, mainly depends on the selection of the cold dryer or dryer, and the ordinary food contact or non-direct contact, use the cold dryer. For compressed air that is in direct contact with dry food (such as grains, milk powder) and has strict requirements on microorganisms, it is necessary to choose a cold dryer or dryer with an outlet dew point <-40°C.

Finally, different manufacturers have different names, but according to the current technology, each filter has a certain efficiency, but the price is different depending on the production area, but you do not regularly inspect and replace it, and you want to install it once and use it for a lifetime , leading to blockage, rupture, deformation and other reasons for damage to the filter core, even if the brand you use is useless (pretending to be safe)... Think about how long your filter has been used? How long has it been since it was replaced?

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Lingyu Machinery - water removal high precision coalescing compressed air filter